It’s Finally Here!

The much-anticipated men’s fashion video is finally here, as well as another appearance by Steven Pardo and Peter Jensch. As hard as it was to get these two creative apartment-mates to sit still, once I did the results were priceless.

For this video, I asked them each to put two outfits together to showcase their individual senses of style, and they were all so different from each other.

Steven Pardo, who you’ll see first in the video, had a tough time deciding on his two outfits, so I gave him some events to pretend to dress for. Peter Jensch, however, immediately knew what he was going to wear after I asked for his two outfits of choice.

When I questioned his indecisiveness, Pardo said:

“It’s so difficult to showcase your entire sense of style in just two outfits. The outfit I wear one day can be completely different from the day before, so this is quite the challenge.”

Although the boys both dress impeccably well, what I found particularly interesting is just how different they are – even down to their bedroom decor. Steven Pardo’s room screams “minimalist.” With plain white walls and furniture along with futuristic-type lamps, it’s simple, sleek, and professional.

Peter Jensch, however, is the complete opposite. His room is busy – nothing matches, but everything works together to complete one creative, cohesive space. There are band and movie posters, flags and tapestries, records, and paper lantern lights; it shows his personality and creativity in a much bolder way. After a quick comment on the busyness of his room decor, Jensch said,

“I love the way my room is decorated because it definitely shows who I am as a person…it’s the same with my style. It’s busy, it’s funky, it’s creative. I’m not a quiet person. I like to make people laugh and make people happy. I definitely think my personality is reflected in everything I do, decorating skills and style included.”

I called up an old acquaintance of mine to input his expert opinion, which I’ll tell you more about later.

So, without further ado, enjoy the video.

One of the most interesting aspects of this video was being able to finally use an old business acquaintance for his vast amounts of knowledge in the fashion field. Cristian Mercado graduated from the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising with a degree in Textile Design, and is now a manager at a boutique near his Los Angeles apartment.

When I sat down to talk with him in his studio workspace, he gave some insight on how fashion should be “less about impressing people, and more about expressing yourself. Because when you express yourself, you end up creating something magical.”

In his own poetic way, Mercado told me that being yourself is what’s most important.

I had a lot of fun delving further into men’s fashion as well as expanding my horizons past the San Luis Obispo area.