Goodbye, College Dress Relief

Unfortunately, this blog will soon meet it’s sweet demise. I’ve decided not to continue this blog after my experience as a Journalism 285 student comes to an end. This is mainly due to the fact that I’m already the mommy to my other blog in which I show off my sponsored clothing, at Lavender Hair and What I Wear.

This has been an extremely challenging, yet rewarding experience. I struggled to meet deadlines and create quality products, but I loved the experience of making them. The interview process was probably my favorite part, and I did a lot of quality networking (mainly with my homegirl at Retrofit).

I had 158 total page views (thanks mom…), and my friends and family from home felt like they were connecting to me in a new, creative way because they got to see the work I was doing in my classes which I thought was neat.

My absolute favorite post was the video blog, because I made some genuine friends through the process. Steven and Peter are such funny, sweet guys and working with them was an absolute pleasure.

I also really enjoyed the 4 Thrift Shops of San Luis Obispo. I was able to sit down and talk with the owner of my favorite vintage shop, Retrofit, and she now knows me by name and hugs me every time I walk in! That particular piece really made me realize how nice everyone in San Luis Obispo is, and definitely made me fall in love with the city even further.

This quarter of college has been my most challenging yet, but I thank the readers that have been with me through this entire experience.

Have a wonderful Christmas season, and a happy new year!

